Monday, January 20, 2014

Fig and coconut bars

Something my youngest will eat

When I try a new recipes, the most common response from my boys is: "It's OK," from the eldest. And, nope, not even going to try it from the youngest.

It's a great day when I find something he will eat. He's a picky eater. If he could, he'd get by on nothing but nuggets and cheese and crackers. But of course, that's not going to fly here.

We try to follow the one-bite rule in my house. It's a good rule that says they have to take a least one bite of everything on their plate. It can take up to 20 times trying a new food before a person starts to like it. For my kids, it feels like it takes 100 tries. And if I only give them what I know they already like, they start reducing what they like!

So I keep trying new dishes, stretching the boundaries incrementally. I try to only introduce one new thing at a time and surround it with things they already like. And I always offer a bread item.

But even then just getting my youngest to take one bite can be a monumental struggle and one I'm not interested in having at the dinner table. So he gets the new food on his plate and sometimes I can get him to take a bite. Sometimes all I get is the new food in his mouth before he spits it out. Sometimes he doesn't try it at all. And the least successful attempts are when he rejects the entire plate and walks away from the table. Those days usually occur when he's had a late and filling snack. I don't tend to stress about it, although it can mean an earlier morning when he wakes up hungry.

I was pleased and surprised when he declared he loved the fig and coconut bars I made one afternoon. My mom sent me a recipe from "Digestive Health with Real Food" and I made come changes based on what I had in the pantry.

6-9 dried figs
1/2 cup nuts
1/2 cup unsweetened dried coconut
Heaping spoonful of peanut or almond butter
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Dash of salt

Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Spread into a 8x8 greased pan and refrigerate until firm, two to three hours. Cut into bars and enjoy.

Feel free to add dried fruit like cherries or raisins for flavor or even chocolate chips to make the bars more dessert like.

Full disclosure: I think these bars are just OK. But the boys and my husband eat them up. And I happily make them since they are something my youngest will eat.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Why I'm vegan

Why I'm vegan

If you asked 100 vegans why they follow a plant-based diet, you'd get many answers. Here's mine.

I grew up in a meat-eating household. I flirted with vegetarianism when I was in college and a short time after I graduated. It didn't stick. I didn't have a good reason to avoid meat. It was mostly a texture issue and eventually I got over it.

A few years ago, there seemed to be an increase in food-borne illnesses. Everything from E. coli in beef and spinach to salmonella in chicken to listeria in cantaloupe. I started taking food safety seriously and examined what I ate and what I fed to my children.

First we went organic in as many food groups as we could, but especially in the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables and milk, cheese and meat. Because organic food costs more, we started eating more vegetarian and vegan meals. It was a slow transition.

Then I saw "Food, Inc." and I read "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer (Funny story: I picked up "Eating Animals" from the library's new releases shelf and didn't know anything about it. I recognized the author's name from "Everything is Illuminated." I didn't know "Eating Animals" was nonfiction until about the third chapter.)

That movie and that book changed my eating habits. Meat was the first to go. Then milk, then eggs, then butter. Cheese was last. Because cheese is addictive. We also dropped packaged food and anything with ingredients I don't cook with in my own kitchen.

Some vegans say it is morally wrong to eat animals. They are intelligent and feel pain. They don't want to die. They don't want to be eaten.

But they are also animals. And animals are food. They eat each other, for goodness sake. And there is a biblical argument for eating meat. Adam is given dominion over the animals in the Garden of Eden in chapter one of Genesis. After Noah and his family disembark from the ark, they are given everything for food. "Everything that moves, everything that is alive, is yours for food. Earlier I gave you the green plants, but now I give you everything for food." (Genesis 9:3) After Jesus arose from the grave, he finds his followers and asks for something to eat. "While the followers watched, Jesus took the fish and ate it."  (Luke 24:43)

The Bible is also clear that following a vegan diet is OK, too. When Daniel and other young Israelite men were taken by Nebuchadnezzar, they asked not to have to eat the kings food and drink. They were determined to keep from eating unclean food and asked to only eat vegetables and water. The king's chief officer was concerned they would fall ill but agreed to a 10-day test. "After 10 days, they looked healthier and better fed than all the young men who at the king's food." (Daniel 1:15)

There are many examples in the Bible of the Lord telling us to take care with our bodies and treat yourself with respect, not to give in to wanton lusts and depravity and do not be gluttonous and vain. "Don't drink too much wine or eat too much food. Those who drink and eat too much become poor.They sleep too much and end up wearing rags." (Proverbs 23: 20-21)

So it seems the Bible takes both sides of the argument. And it's not a contradiction. Because WHAT you eat is less important than WHY you eat it. "The answer is, if you eat or drink or if you do anything, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Following a diet can be its own testimony, an outward showing of inner devotion. John the Baptist was a Nazirite, a follower of a strict order who did not cut their hair and avoided grapes and all grape products. Jesus says "John came and did not eat or drink like other people. So people say 'He has a demon.' (Matthew 11:18) Although he wasn't a vegan, there are mentions that John eats locust and honey (Matthew 3:4 and Mark 1:6). But it shows he used what he ate as a symbol of his devotion to God.

The decision to eat animals is for each individual to decide.

What swayed my decision was learning how animals raised and slaughtered in this country. Foer writes about it in his book and undercover videos come out all the time of abuses at factory farms and slaughter houses.

The way animals live crammed together covered in filth, genetically modified to grow gargantuan sizes in minimum time, stuffed with corn and antibiotics, and slaughtered at break-neck speed all speaks to humans' insatiable greed.

And it's not biblical. Go back to that first chapter in Genesis. God does not say man has dominion over the animals to rule, exploit, ruin and destroy. Man's role is to rule, not subjugate; to watch over, not own. We are caretakers here. God does not want us ruining the animals and earth He created. "The earth belongs to the Lord and everything in it - the world and all its people." (Psalm 22:1) Humans have disrespected God's creation when we've changed the physical structure of some animals, such as chickens. They can't even walk on their own. That's not the way God made them. That's not the way they should live.

But the food industry knows Americans want meat, more and more of meat every year. And we want it cheap. There's no way for supply to keep up with demand. And what's gone overboard in this never ending hunger for animals: the safety of the animals suffering in those conditions, the workers and farmers, the public who eats the meat and the damage factory farming does to the environment.

Consumer Reports did an investigation of chicken and found 97 percent of what you find at the store is covered in bacteria.

That's not something I want to eat. It's not something I want to feed my kids. It's not worth the risk.

Will taking my dollars out of the equation make a difference? No. But if enough of use changed our habits, then maybe. One can only hope.

The Spiralizer

The Spiralizer

My favorite new kitchen tool is a the spiralizer. (Thanks for the Christmas gift, Mom!)
It slices fruits and vegetables into rings, spirals, strips or just plain slices. It's easy enough to use, even a kid can do it. My oldest son gets a kick out of it. He cut up some apples in no time at all.

Apple slices

There are many recipes online for making your own apple chips and the spiralizer makes it super easy. 
1. Cut the apples (three to six depending on the size) 
2. Place on parchment paper on a rimmed baking sheet
3. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and sugar.
4. Bake for 1 hour at 200 degrees.
5. Turn apples and bake for another hour.

My oldest son thinks they are great. My youngest won't try them. He like his apples raw.


 The spiralizer turned five Yukon gold potatoes into ribbon in minutes. The big lesson I learned here was the "noodles" are thin enough to burn quickly and easily. But again, this side dish is kid-friendly as well.
1. Cut potatoes and place on a greased cookie sheet
2. Season with your favorite herbs and spices. I used a mix of garlic salt, onion powder, thyme and pepper.
3. Bake at 350 for 25 to 30 minutes.

My son loves them. Here we had them with sautéed peppers, onions and Tofukey sausage and tomato sauce with diced cantaloupe. It was popular enough of my son to ask for it in his lunch box. My youngest son wouldn't try it.

Noodle salad

The spiralizer turns vegetables the boys won't normally eat into something appealing. This is a side salad or a light lunch of zucchini noodles and carrots with defrosted, shelled edamame. The idea for this recipe came from
1. Slice zucchini and place into colander. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of salt to drain some of the liquid and let sit for 10 minutes. Put in a clean towel and press out the water.
2. Slice carrots. 
3. Add edamame
4. Add dressing of your choice. I used Miso Tahini Dressing from "Veganomicon" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero (I can't say enough how much I love this cookbook. Go get it if you don't have it already). I took the authors' suggestion to add ginger, garlic and lemon. I also used regular miso, not sweet miso, so I added a touch of maple syrup.

My oldest son really liked the zucchini and the carrots. But he's not a fan of the "lima beans" and didn't want to eat them. My youngest son wouldn't try it.

The extras

My spiralizer cores the fruit or vegetable. For an apple, that's great. The core is gross and inedible. The tops of the apple can be spritzed with OJ or lemon juice to keep from turning brown and eaten with peanut butter or saved for a smoothie. 
For a potato or carrot or zucchini, that core is fully of veggie goodness. The carrots went into my son's lunch box. The rest went into a bag in the freezer for vegetable broth I'm sure to make soon.

The challenge of dinner

The challenge of dinner

Meals are a challenge at my house. Meals are a challenge at most houses.

At my house, we have two parents with differing culinary philosophies. I'm vegan. My husband is not. Our two boys eat what they get. So from me, vegan. From my husband, not.

They are younger than 10. Too young to decide anything at all when it comes to food. All they know is they like dessert and fast food. I don't do fast food. Fast food is bad for those who eat it, those who serve it, for the economy and the environment. 

So the boys get the majority of their meals from me and I strive to make vegan meals they will like. They are picky and this is a challenge.

Did you ever look for vegan, kid-friendly meals? Most of the time, the results are desserts. I don't need any help getting them to eat cookies. They like cookies just fine.

I'm constantly searching for meals the entire family can eat together without one person sticking up their nose. It's a challenge. My husband likes my food, but I don't always succeed with the kids. Sometimes I do and we all end up happy and fed.

So here is a place to try recipes and ideas. To see how they fly with the pre-pre-teens. And share ideas with other vegan moms who cook.